Civil & Commercial Litigation
A good lawyer is an architect, a carpenter, and a mason, all at once, but he or she uses words and sentences to construct the winning arguments that lead to the winning briefs that lead to the winning of cases.
Winning “on the papers” is king in the litigation business, whether in civil or commercial litigation, because it allows one to prevail without the need to endure all the stresses and expenses that are inherent in facing a jury’s verdict after a long and weary courtroom battle. But to properly persuade a judge to render a judgment in your favor from the bench requires lawyers with a strong skill set. It often necessitates being able to write about confusing fact patterns and complex legal concepts, yet to do so in plain, ordinary English, in a concise, coherent, and creative style. Quite frankly, good writing can win civil cases – and bad writing can and will lose them! At McCartin Law, we know this, and therefore we pride ourselves on the written product that we produce. That’s why we’ve won so many civil cases with our motion practice alone. Put our exceptional legal writing skills to use for you and your case and cause. You won’t be disappointed.

We take your pain personally and we vigorously pursue full compensation and complete justice for you.
We have greater than a 90%-win rate in Federal District Court representing our clients in more than 35 jury trials.
Based upon our superior written work product, we win the vast majority of our civil cases without ever going to the courtroom for a jury trial.
State Employee
Defending State employees against unjust allegations is our specialty.